Our Services

At Dynamique, our certified physiotherapists are experienced in the treatment of all muscles and joint disorders, including knee pain, back pain, shoulder and neck pain. All treatment plans are customized to suit the patient’s condition, including post-operative recovery, sports injuries, and return to functional activities. Our physiotherapists are working within a multidisciplinary team to help you get better results.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy is the treatment of a wide range of injuries, disorders, and diseases that affect joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons using detailed assessment and diagnosis to identify an effective treatment plan. Whether your injury and aches are acute or longstanding, our physiotherapist will be able to deliver the best treatment approaches to help you get better.

Acute or chronic pain that affects any muscles and joints, such as knee pain, spine/neck/back pain, hip and groin, shoulder and elbow pain, foot & ankle.

The physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment of the causative factors that have led to your injury to enable an accurate diagnosis. Treatment’s goals include reducing pain, inflammation, stiffness and increasing range of motion.


At Dynamique, our certified physiotherapists are experienced in the treatment of all muscles and joint disorders, including knee pain, back pain, shoulder and neck pain. All treatment plans are customized to suit the patient’s condition, including post-operative recovery, sports injuries, and return to functional activities. Our physiotherapists are working within a multidisciplinary team to help you get better results.

Pre & Post-Operative Physiotherapy

The importance of pre-operation rehab and exercise is often overlooked. The goal of pre-operative rehab is to help you be as well-condition as possible prior to surgery and to enhance the post-operative recovery journey. It is very important to strengthen the muscles before surgery as the muscles become weaker and balancing & walking may be deteriorated due to surgery. The effects of muscle wasting following surgery will be reduced through a pre-operative muscle strengthening program. 

Post-operative physio and rehab are crucial in achieving the optimal outcome from the surgery and minimizing the risk of recurrence and complications. A personalized and structured exercise program help to decrease pain, enhance muscle strength and mobility and increase range of motion.

Orthopaedic surgery on bone, joint, ligament, muscle repairs, reconstruction and replacements. Spinal surgery such as spinal fusions, disc repairs and replacements.

The physiotherapist will perform a thorough pre/post- operative assessment to determine your physical condition and capabilities and customized the appropriate rehab program. Physical tests such as muscle strength, mobility, ergonomic evaluation and gait analysis will be performed.


At Dynamique, our certified physiotherapists are experienced in the treatment of all muscles and joint disorders, including knee pain, back pain, shoulder and neck pain. All treatment plans are customized to suit the patient’s condition, including post-operative recovery, sports injuries, and return to functional activities. Our physiotherapists are working within a multidisciplinary team to help you get better results.

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy is the treatment of specific musculoskeletal injury, pain or abnormal movement resulting from a sudden traumatic or overuse injury from sport or physical activity. Sports physio provides a solution of sustaining your active lifestyle by treating any musculoskeletal imbalances, areas of weakness or overuses, or tension that may lead to injury occurrence.

Dynamique physiotherapists are experienced in the treatment of sports injuries including muscle strain, ligament sprains and tendon problems such as tennis elbow or Achilles tendinopathy.

Weekend warriors or elite athletes who have persistent injuries that bother you or simply need to get back in action after an injury or even surgery (ACL recon).

The physiotherapist will provide a comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and advanced treatment specifically tailored to the skills required in your sports activities by emphasizing on muscle strength, endurance, coordination, agility, speed and flexibility.

Exercise Therapy/ Rehabilitation

At Dynamique, our exercise therapists are experienced in providing customized rehab exercises depending on your conditions and injury history. Our therapists and trainers are working closely with physiotherapists to produce a highly supervised and personalized program to achieve your fitness and sports goal.

People of all ages whether you are experiencing past or present musculoskeletal injuries, or simply just aim to achieve individual fitness goals or enhance sports performance.

A structured and personalized exercise program includes functional movement, mobility, balancing & stability, agility, strength & conditioning, injury prevention, sports specific exercise. It is all depending on your needs and condition. We use our extensive knowledge; skills and experience to get you back to enjoying your normal activities again.

Injury Prevention/ Recurrence

Our physiotherapists are experienced in helping you to enhance your performance in sports and leisure activities and at the same time minimize the risk of injury.

Weekend warriors or high-performance athletes who aim to enhance their sports performance and reduce risk of injury.

The physiotherapists will advise on the correct warm-up, cool down and recovery procedures, supportive taping and braces, appropriate footwear and protective gear, postural correction and sports-specific conditioning program. Our physiotherapists are working within a multidisciplinary team to help you get better results.

Strength and Conditioning Training (Youth & Adults)

Strength and Conditioning (S&C) is the selection and development of dynamic /static exercises used to improve physical performance and overall health for athletes and general population. Proper strength and conditioning allow an athlete to strengthen supporting muscles, even out muscle imbalances, increase mobility, correct posture, stabilize joints, learn new movement patterns and enhance coordination and peripheral skills. General population will also benefit from strength and conditioning in aspects such as reducing visceral fats, enhancing cardiovascular health and elevating body image and self-esteem.

People of all ages who aims to improve strength and endurance, reduce risk of injury and improve technique and overall performance. The general population who aims to improve overall health and improve quality of life.

A structured and personalized program involves a wide range of exercises developed to build a variety of skills with a focus on mind, mobility, stability, strength, endurance, power, speed, agility and performance. It is all depending on your needs and condition. We use our extensive knowledge; skills and experience to get you back to enjoying your normal activities again.

Sports Massage & Remedial Massage Therapy

Benefits of massage:

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Improves recovery of soft tissue injuries
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Increases flexibility and joint mobility

Massage therapy has always been associated with physiotherapy as it assists in the management and recovery of an injury and has both physiological and psychological benefits. Whether it’s for relieving tight muscles and/or improving flexibility it aids in the prevention of injury and achieving optimal performance through a wide range of massage techniques such as sports massage, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage and remedial massage.

Gym bunnies, elite sports teams, recreational athletes or anyone with aches and pains.

The massage therapist will perform an assessment before beginning treatment. Our 60min massage is recommended for a thorough assessment and treatment, with the option of 60 min or 90 min for all follow-up appointments. Massage therapists will refer on to our physiotherapists if your presentation is more complex or outside their scope of practice.